Monday, April 11, 2005

Update on the crappy doctor.

Okay, so I go in to pick up a copy of my bloodwork (and I have something to say about that too. I won't forget) and she's there. Grr. Anyway, I'm waiting behind the door at the receptionist desk and here is the conversation I had the pleasure to witness:

Terri's Fave Doc: Let's get going! (claps hands) Hello Mary, happy Saturday!
Terri's Least Fave Doc: (groan)
Terri's Fave Doc: That doesn't sound like a very good Saturday response
Terri's Least Fave Doc: All I'm going to look at today are stupid canker sores, it's gorgeous out and my kids are home having fun without me and I have to be here, and I'm so done with work (noticing that I'm there and that the door is opened behind me leading out to the waiting room where a dozen patients are listening to what she's saying) But, um, not that I don't want to be here to help these lovely people (trails off)

Terri: You know, a lot of people work twelve hour days. Sometimes more.
Terri's Least Fave Doc: Yes, I know, I'm not saying that I work more than anyone else, it's just that.
Terri: Oh no, I'm not saying we can compare jobs. I mean, I put in about 65 hour work week--but no one's life is in my hands. (and I say Ciao! to the crew and head out leaving Least Fave Doc to try to come up with something to say).

Ha! And I couldn't have made up that exchange. Ahh, lovely. I hope the canker sores are contagious.


Kitty Litter said...

Haha! Score one for you and zero for the bimbo! I swear; how *do* these people become doctors?

Anyway, please keep posting. I've been out for some time and haven't checked the blogs I'm linked to, but it's always a good read when I drop by here. Thanks!


Hannah said...

Hi Terri, unbelievable! Good for you for answering back. Stay strong, good luck xx