Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Have you read "The Fault in Our Stars" yet? I have. I thought I'd get through it with minimum crying but folks, this was not the case. It was worse than My Sister's Keeper (both the book and movie). I ugly cried on the train home. I mean, cried in public where people were watching me as my tears fell on my kindle fire and they were like, does she need help? WHAT IS HAPPENING? Ugly cried with mascara down my face and I had to stop it several times and switch to Angry Birds so that I could get home in one piece. It was so bad that I actually had to call it a night around 7:30, go to sleep and woke up the next day looking like I got punched in the face. Sigh. Unattractive to say the least.

But it was a good book! It was pretty well written and brought up a lot of stuff that I think I've tried to ignore or not deal with over the years. And clearly my story isn't as tragic or sad as the characters in the book but there was a lot of truth for any survivor/patient in the dialogue. But don't read it unless you're hunkered down at home, with scotch or wine or a pint of ice cream, put a spoon in the freezer to put over your puffy eyes and invest in some tissues.