Monday, June 07, 2004

My cat fell out of a window today. And then he was subjected to being in a standoff with the stray cats that live and create havoc in my backyard. Thankfully, by chance, my mother had been coming over today to drop off groceries. She noticed the cat didn't come running to the door as he always did. And then she noticed the screen was out of the kitchen window. She saw the cats that were hissing and growling and screamed "Coyote!" And apparently he reacted like "Help me!"
My mother rescued him and he's a little traumatized at the moment.

But why is this story important? Well, it's midnight and I have to get up crazy early for this test, but I'm having trouble sleeping. And I just keep thinking how amazing it is that this cat isn't even scratched or hurt or has anything broken. He fell two stories and he's still here. Which means that it's possible to pick yourself up and be okay after something that should've killed you. And which gives me a lot of hope about tomorrow.

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