Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Okay, reading the paper this morning and it seems like it’s always a back and forth, “If you believe in blah blah blah” vote Republican or Democrat. Whatever. I don’t care about your party affiliation but what ever happened to being NICE to people. Seriously, does one party get the stake on that? Is one better at being decent and NICE to people? I honestly don’t think so. I don’t walk down the street and think, well that person looks happy so-they must be a heathen. It’s so frustrating. Political views are one thing, but try being a person who is kind and courteous and who doesn’t scream at someone for disagreeing with you, who isn’t dismissive, who doesn’t make clucking noises when you feel “crowded” by someone one the train, or make fun of someone who has a disability or at least have enough self-awareness to realize that driving an SUV and making fun of all the “liberal eco-nuts” who recycle is complete hypocrisy when you crave sandy beaches and blue water because you need to get away from the dirty city. NATURE IS WHERE YOU GO TO VACATION! I mean, I’m not saying that driving and SUV or whatever makes you any less of a person but just because someone recycles or plants trees doesn’t make them crazy. So if you don’t want to be accused of not caring, don’t yell at someone for caring too much.

I call my doc’s office to get a referral for a CT Scan. My oncologists had decided a PET/CT wasn’t necessary and that a regular CT would be fine. The receptionist was so rude, I couldn’t believe it. I mean, out and out dismissive and condescending and had the nerve to say (I couldn’t make this up), “Can you please explain to me again WHY you’re calling me?” I don’t understand some people sometimes. I’m a heathen because I’m pro-choice but you’re a good person who thinks that telling someone that they’re not worth your time when they need to get checked for re-occurrence simply because you vote another way? That’s what this has come down to? “Guiding moral principles” are generally subjective—you’re no more evil just because you can’t say that you have blind faith in something if it’s simply not what you believe in but volunteer on weekends because you want to help those that you can have a conversation with. We’re all different and yet we fight so much to have people think the same way we do. It’s very frustrating. We teach kids to “celebrate diversity” but at the same time we lambaste it in the media. It’s terrible.

Here’s the truth: cancer is the universal equalizer. It can strike at any time, any place, any religion, any faith (cause they are not one in the same), any gender, any age, any race, any location on the globe, those who are good, those who are bad, pedophiles, pastors, moms, singletons, women who have had abortions, those who are opposed, recyclers, bicyclers, SUV drivers, blondes, brunettes, red-heads, blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, those who have lived charmed lives, those who have seen so much tragedy, couch potatoes, exercisers, vegetarians, meat-lovers, carb addicts, carb avengers, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, whatever, you’re not immune.

So maybe, just maybe, we can just all work on being nicer. Being more kind and caring. Not finding the differences as an excuse to be rude and say unkind things to each other. Because I’ll tell you this much—if you can save my life, I don’t care if you worship eggs or think that the President should have his face carved into a mountain. If you care enough to make me better, then I’m sure we can come to some sort of compromise.

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