Thursday, September 02, 2004

Before I complain/write/dissect/analyze any part of my life, I want to say that I'm saying a prayer for all those in Florida and anyone else who might be affected by Hurricane Frances. I honestly can't imagine what it would be like to be staring at all the things that are in my apartment and thinking that they might be gone the next day. My father, the most giving person ever, owns a bunch of cottages in upstate NY. A family whose home was devastated was brought to his attention, and he's letting them stay there until they can get their lives back together. So Big Ups to Pops from Brooklyn.

So in light of the tragedy that could be taking place in Florida. The hostages in Russia. The suicide bombers that have been in both Russia and Israel (and the photo on the front page of the New York Times really made me cry while I was getting coffee and I couldn't focus on ordering and I wanted so badly to be somewhere else, doing something worthwhile). My friends and family sitting in a tent somewhere in Iraq. What am I to complain about? It just feels like the whole world is going insane, and where I would want to take refuge would be in my apartment, but then I'm locked to just my petty problems. My father was like, why take on the world's problems when you have so many of your own? And I'm just like, well take the environment. I grew up in Staten Island, home of the largest garbage dump in the world. I remember learning in 3rd grade that you can see that and the Great Wall of China from space. WAHOO! But how do I know that growing up there didn't contribute to my cancer. That all this destruction that we're doing to the environment isn't causing the hurricanes and anything else that seems "abnormal" weather-wise and isn't the reason that my body decided to turn on itself. They have no origin of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. There's no gene, no definitive fact-only theories. I think as humans we're always rationalizing how things got where they are. Connecting to where we're from. I hardly anyone say that they're American. They're Italian-American, Irish-American, African-American. We yearn to be connected to where we believe our families originated. If a red footed hawk is in Martha's Vineyard, the first question is how did he get there? How did this all start? The beginning, the reason. And yet, they can't tell me how I got cancer. They can't tell me what I did that might have contributed and what I could definitively do different in order to ensure that I'm okay. So I wait and see and hope that before I get to the end, someone can tell me more about the beginning.

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